In October 1969, the BBC broadcast the first program in a new series: Monty Python's Flying Circus, written and conceived by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.
Through the years the six of them followed this with another 44 extremely silly programs, a German TV special, five full-length feature films, seven books, nine long-playing records, and live stage shows that toured the UK, Canada, and America. This pocket series features the very best of Monty Python: a collection of favorite sketches, gags, words, and lyrics, chosen by the members of Monty Python who have picked some of their prized bits from across the whole range of Python books, scripts, and films. Included are such memorable moments as "The French Taunt King Arthur," "The Lumberjack Song," "What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?," "The Court Martial of Sapper Walters," "Every Sperm is Sacred," "The Man Who Talks Entirely in Anagrams," and other priceless pieces of Python humor. Accompanying these words are some two hundred images that have become synonymous with Python through three decades.Available for purchase on Amazon
English Edition by Monty Python (Author)
Publishing company : Methuen Publishing (1 outubro 2006)
Language : Inglês
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