28 de ago. de 2022

The most read books in the world - 2020

The most read books in the world - 2020

Our list today is full of works that have won a legion of fans wherever they have gone and that have also been featured among the best-selling champions around the world.


The most read and sold book worldwide is the Holy Bible. According to the Bible Society of Brazil, it has been translated into almost 3,000 languages and has been ranked first for over 50 years. It is estimated that over 3.9 billion copies have been sold worldwide. The most impressive thing is that each country has a Bible Society, which guarantees that the translation is carried out with the necessary verisimilitude.

Harry Potter

The adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione are the latest hits in the literary world. In all, more than 450 million copies of the seven books in the saga were sold, translated into 73 languages. Written by the British J.K Rowling, the Harry Potter story became so famous that it became a play – whose script was also published -, has a strong mark around the world and even inspired the creation of a theme park in the United States, in addition to some Magic schools around the world.

The Count of Monte Cristo

The book that tells the story of a sailor who was wrongfully imprisoned, was originally published in serial form between 1844 and 1846, and was written in French by Alexandre Dumas. The writer, owner of other historical works such as “The Three Musketeers”, had the collaboration of Auguste Maquet to complete the work. It is estimated that The Count of Monte Cristo sold between 200 and 250 million copies.

The Lord of the Rings – The Trilogy

J.R.R. Tolkien managed to create a completely epic world, with magical creatures, humor and lots of shadows. The amount of detail present in the three books shows the author's degree of commitment to his story and was one of the points that most caught the attention of readers – there were more than 150 million people who acquired the work.

The Lord of the Rings has already been translated into 40 languages ​​and due to the great success it has also become a film trilogy.

The little Prince

Well known by children and teenagers, the story of the boy who lived on asteroid B 612, enchanted more than 140 million people. Published in 1942, the work of French artist Anoine de Saint-Exupéry has already been translated into more than 80 languages ​​and is famous for the delicate and emotional journey of someone who sees the world in a pure way.

When the Little Prince comes to our planet, he starts to teach us that the essential is invisible to the eyes and that if you come, for example, at four, from three I will start to be happy.

Now that you know some of the most read books in the world, it's time to delve deep into the pages and discover unimaginable adventures and stories!

Source: Saraiva

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