19 de set. de 2022

Ephemeris of the day - September 19, 1921 Paulo Freire was born

Paulo Freire's biography 

The Brazilian educator revolutionized the country's pedagogy by reflecting on the construction of a democratic school and a new approach to the relationship between educator and student, which placed the horizontal exchange of knowledge and experiences as the basis of learning.

Recognized internationally (29 titles of “honorary doctor” were granted to him by universities in Europe and America), Paulo Freire remains extremely current. Reading his work allows for the maturing of concepts such as the need for an education practiced from a critical and autonomous perspective for the formation of subjects capable of politically and socially transforming their realities.

Faced with the current urgency of rescuing and defending these precepts, the Centro de Referências em Educação Integral elaborated the list below: a definitive guide for free download of its bibliography for educators and others interested in the subject. Check out:

Education as a Practice of Freedom

In this work, Paulo Freire uses orality to address freedom, democracy and justice. For him, the word can no longer be the vehicle of alienating ideologies to become the instrument of a transformation of man and society.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Perhaps his most famous work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed proposes a new form of relationship between teacher, student, and society. The book is considered one of the pillars of critical pedagogy and analyzes the relationship between “colonizer” and “colonized”.

Letters to Guinea-Bissau

Result of the record of Paulo Freire's first year of work in the elaboration of a model of adult literacy in the African country of Guinea-Bissau, at the time recently independent.

The Importance of the Act of Reading in Three Complementary Articles

The work investigates the issue of reading and writing combining two perspectives: the political struggle and the scientific understanding of the subject.

Education and Change

The publication of these writings takes place at the time of Paulo Freire's return to the country. It is a critical work on the false dilemma 'humanism X technology'.

Awareness - Theory and Practice of Liberation

Concerns and the ultimate consequences that the process of conscientization brings with it are the subjects explored in this book of Freire's work.

Brazilian education and current affairs

The welfarist, authoritarian and paternalistic nature of our social relations and the 'inauthentic' education that predominates in Brazil's 'banking' educational system sing this work.

For a Pedagogy of the Question

A joint work with Antonio Faundez, another reference of the libertarian ideology, For a pedagogy of the question brings a dialogue on how to produce a dynamic knowledge, which “questions itself” constantly.

Pedagogy of Hope

Written in 1992, it reflects on Pedagogy of the Oppressed, published in 1968, during his exile in Chile. In this dialogue, he analyzes his pedagogical experiences in almost three decades.

Pedagogy of Indignation

Composed of letters written shortly before his death, in May 1997, the book was organized by his wife Ana Maria de Araújo Freire from the letters left by the author.

About an Administration

Freire takes up some ideas, previously exposed in his thesis, and presents an administration report by Professor João Alfredo Gonçalves da Costa Lima when Rector of the University of Recife.

Cultural action for freedom and other writings

It approaches the most different aspects of the Brazilian reality with the eyes of someone who fights for a profound and critical change in the world. It brings together texts written between 1968 and 1974.

Teacher Yes, Aunt No: Letter to Those Who Dare to Teach

The text echoes the need for teacher appreciation, emphasizing practices that represent a form of teacher resistance.

In the Shadow of This Hose

Critical of neoliberalism, he shows how this new understanding of the world is ideological precisely because it proclaims that there are no more ideologies or history.

Pedagogy of Autonomy

It exposes his conception of the relationship between educators and students. In addition, it elaborates proposals for pedagogical practices, guided by a universal ethics.

Street Educators, a Critical Approach – Alternatives to Care for Street Children

As a result of meetings with street educators, this book brings together possible ways to change the marginalized condition of street students.

Extension or Communication

Work written in Chile, in 1968, when Freire was in exile. It analyzes the problem of communication between the technician and the peasant in the process of developing a new agrarian society.

fear and daring

The authors Paulo Freire and Ira Shor focus on the anxieties of the teacher in the experimentation of the pedagogy of dialogue and on the implications brought by this change of attitude.

Pedagogy: Dialogue and Conflict

Based on their pedagogical experiences in Brazil and around the world, the three educators – Paulo Freire, Moacir Gadotti and Sérgio Guimarães – answer questions that everyone asks about Brazilian education.

Politics and Education

A collection of eleven texts written in 1992, Politics and Education presents discussions that he played in seminars in Brazil and in other countries.

What to do – Theory and practice in popular education

Dialogue is the thread running through this book. In it, Paulo Freire and Adriano Nogueira dissect the concept of popular education and how it relates to the transformation of society.

Awareness and literacy: a new vision of the process

The need for an education that frees from awareness and active educational methods is exposed in detail in this publication.

Christians and the Liberation of the Oppressed

The religious formation he received within his family is the starting point for the educator to reflect on his ideas and the way he relates to the diversity of life.

Statue in honor of Paulo Freire in Finland


Casa de Livro Blog.
September 19, 2022

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